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Given the format of the CRP, the number of participants is very limited. 


Prior to each edition, an announcement is sent to all COIN members.


The majority of researchers working in a CRP are present at the venue and another group contributes to the activities remotely.


If you are interested in participating and/or hosting future editions, you are welcome to join COIN and talk to Rafael   about your idea!


Official photo of CRP#2

Participants of the CRP #2


on site




Alan Heavens - Imperial College London, UK

Alberto Krone-Martins - Universidade de Lisboa - Portugal

Arlindo Trindade - Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Bruce Bassett - University of Cape Town, South Africa

Emille E. O. Ishida - Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Germany

Ewan Cameron - Oxford University - UK

Heather Campbell -University of Cambridge - UK 

Jason McEwen - MSSL - University College of London, UK

Luke Pratley - MSSL - University College of London - UK

Maria L. L. Dantas - Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil

Mariana Penna-Lima - Universitè Paris Diderot, France

Marina Trevisan - Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, France

Michele Sasdelli - Liverpool John Moores University, UK

Miguel de Val-Borro - Princeton University - USA

Natallia Karpenka - University of Southampton, UK

Paniez Paykari - MSSL - University College of London, UK

Rafael S. de Souza - ELTE, Hungary

Yabebal Tadesse - University of Tor Vergata - Italy

Zoe Vallis - MSSL - University College of London, UK




Fabian Gieseke - Radboud University - Netherland

Hugo CamachoUniversidade de Sao Paulo - Brazil

Jonny Elliott - Harvard-Smithsonian - USA

Joseph Hilbe - Arizona State University - USA

Michel AguenaUniversidade de Sao Paulo - Brazil

Ricardo Vilalta - University of Houston - USA

Sandro D. P. Vitenti - Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris - France

Vinicius Busti - Universidade de Sao Paulo - Brazil

Organizing Committee

Rafael S. de Souza (chair) - MTA  Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest - Hungary


Emille E. O. Ishida - Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics (MPA), Garching - Germany


Alan Heavens - Imperial College London, London - UK


Jason McEwen - MSSL - University College of London, London - UK

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